Saturday, April 21, 2012

7 weeks to go.....

Ok folks, 7 weeks from today we begin our divide ride.  Some of you may or may not know that Jen and I have a history with the Great Divide.  It was 5 years ago that Jen and I were invited to join a friend of mine, Keith Cunningham and his friend Nat to tour the divide route.  On the second day Jen crashed her bike, breaking her collarbone and sustaining a concussion.  We took at Greyhound bus over a thousand miles to end up 300ish miles from where we were to spend some time in the Yak, MT. (the greyhound bus trip is another story for another time)  In 10 short days, Jen was ready to ride again and we rode another 900+ miles before circumstances made for our need to exit.  This has never left our minds or hearts, the divide gets into you and you can't get it out, you just have to find someway to appease it and live with it.  Now we are going back for some unfinished business with a strong drive, determination and the will to experience this great ride. 

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